Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Maven 2.0 - Versioning Problem

As I mentioned in my profile-description i work for a software-company as the build manager and I'm responsible for the configuration of the build-tool (Maven 2.0). Because our current project is very mightful and complex we decided to configure our own maven-company-repository.

There already have been a few buisness module releases. Our current Snapshot-version of our main framework is 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT. The last days we had a problem with the versioning of our pom-files but finally we've found a solution.

The problem was that one of our submodules of our framework asked for a wrong dependency-version when we executed the 'mvn compile' command. That's because of maven's inheritance-strategy, but I think you will get a better understanding of the problem if you observe the following diagram.

If you click on the small diagramm a new browser-site will pop up and you will be able to see the original diagram. Because I think the drawing is very
self-explanatory I won't bother you with a too long description of the problem and of course much more important the solution of the problem which is in fact very simple.

You just have to hardcode your versioning-property in your parent-POM and all derived submodules will use the right version for the dependencies. Unfortunately I couldn't come up with a better solution but you are welcome to post a better way to solve this problem if you have found an other solution.

so long


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